Monday, August 15, 2011

wilderness girls

A couple of weeks ago we had girl's camp in our ward. I got to go up for most of it and be with some fun teenagers. It was a bit weird because that's where i went as a young woman. . . and 10 years later i went as camp director. I sure have a new appreciation for the other side of it as a leader. But hanging out in the mountains together wasn't so bad. I refined my bracelet skills, learned how to wake a cabin of teenage girls to be on time for stuff, and made a smore or two. And it brought me back to the simple things like sitting on your sleeping bag having a good talk or laugh with the girl next to you, and sharing your headlamp while singing a hymn at night. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I think i owe these girls. 

1 comment:

Jacquelyn said...

hehe. love this post. remember telling scary stories and how joleen started freaking out upstairs cause it was getting too scary. haha i almost pee my pants every time i think of that.