Friday, April 4, 2008


Eric and i traveled over to the festival of colors at the Krishna temple Saturday night. We had both just got home from working at Sundance all day, and didn't know if we were up for it. But we got in the car and headed down there anyway. The traffic was crazy like a BYU game. Zoobies everywhere... (that's basically all who attended.) The temple was so beautiful looking from far away. I realized my camera battery was dead just when i was about to take a picture of the prettiest thing i'd seen all day. (imagine this photo: This white temple sitting on a hill with a cloud of purple all around it and a crowd of people dancing and laughing with the sun setting in the background.) Isn't that gorgeous?

We danced. We threw chalk everywhere. We got colorful. We said hello to all the hippies. I got chalk in Eric's ear. He got chalk in my eye. We laughed. I waved to the llamas. We ran back to the car. Took the shorter way home. Went shopping in color. Got a lot of goofy looks. We made people smile. :)

1 comment:

Jacquelyn said...

rad girl, I wish i didnt have to work that night. I so wanted to go. And i can see that pretty picture you're talking about, yep! :)